In celebration of Native American Heritage Day (the day after Thanksgiving), we celebrate the formation of the Kashia Coastal Reserve and the Kashia Band of Pomo Indians, especially the contributions of Reno Franklin to its creation. We also recall our past experiences with the land.
Read along to learn of how our local indigenous people regained their land and how you may actively participate in Native American Heritage Month all year long.
Richardson Ranch Land Returns to Pomo Kashia Tribe
Kashia Pomo territory encompassed much of the county’s central coast, from roughly the village of Bodega to Stewart’s Point, including Fort Ross—where just nearby, they had an important seasonal settlement of their own, Metini.
In 1915 Kashia people were removed from their coastal home and allocated just 41.5 acres inland for their reservation. A century later, on October 18, 2015, the ‘People from the Top of the Land’ received from its current owner, Bill Richardson, his gift his 700 acres family farm to the neighboring Kashia Tribe of Stewarts Point. Finally the Kashia regained their heartland on the Pacific coast. No longer would they remain inland, away from their breathtaking coastline.
A Long Time Coming
It took five years of fundraising by the Sonoma County supervisors, The Trust for Public Land, private foundations and groups. Sonoma County contributed two million dollars for the project. Another six million was raised by the coalition of groups seeking to buy the property for the Kashia. The Richardsons accepted a discounted price nearly $1 million below the appraised value.
A Good Day to Be Kashia
Upon the transfer of his people’s lands Reno Franklin, Tribal Chairman stated:
I once said that Tribal Chairmen never cry, but that was before this moment, as I sit here with tears in my eyes.
It is my humble honor to inform my tribe and our community, that today, the Kashia Pomo Tribe, has returned to ownership of land along our ocean. Through the assistance of many and the prayer of all, we have secured the last piece of funding to purchase the 700 acre Kashia Coastal Reserve. We are again, owners of coastal property.
History, 200 years ago we signed a treaty with the Russians at Fort Ross. We lived in relative peace until the Russians left. In the late 1860’s, we suffered a mass hanging of three Kashia men at Plantation. At that time, we moved away from our coast and to the safety of a relatives property, the Haupt Ranch. We have not had unrestricted coastal access since, being forced to ask others for permission to access a coast that we had used for 12,500 years. Today, we righted that wrong.
Yahwee to the County of Sonoma, who voted today to approve $2,900,00.00 towards the purchase, as well as the State of California, Lannan Foundation, Moore Foundation and the Trust for Public Land.
It is a good day to be Kashia.
Meet Reno Franklin

Meet Reno Keoni Franklin, Chairman Emeritus of the Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria Tribal Council. He also serves as Vice Chairman of the Sonoma County Indian Health Project, a position he has held since 2002. Today, Franklin participates on the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and Chair of National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers. Additionally he served as an Obama appointee as an advisor on Indian health.
He reminds us:
Our history has its dark times, and I encourage our members not to forget that those dark moments existed, but also not to let them define who we are.
A Healing Occasion
“We’re a coastal people. A number of our ceremonies are related to the ocean.”
Reno Franklin
The agreement hailed as a proud, healing occasion restored coastal access to the Kashia people while providing for the environmental conservation and public use.
Dancing in the Balance – FILM from Bay Area Open Space Council on Vimeo.
Kashia Coastal Reserve Is Established
In exchange, the 8-mile California Coastal Trail extends from Salt Point State Park’s northern edge across the Kashia’s newly reclaimed land. It straddles Highway 1, with about 52 acres of coastal prairie on the west side and 636 acres on the inland side long used for cattle grazing and timberland.
This gives the public their first opportunity to experience the sweeping dramatic coastline views with its 70-foot bluffs and dramatic, craggy rocks below. Seasonal streams that cross the property descend to the ocean, creating spectacular waterfalls, officials said.
Protection of Important Cultural Sites
The newly established Kashia Coastal Reserve protects important cultural sites, two scenic barns on the coast side of the highway, and provides a place to connect present and future generations of the Kashia with their heritage. Harvest of native wildlife and plants also will be limited.
Lands Under Tribal Management
The Tribe manages the 350 acres of redwood forest as a demonstration forest. It serves as a gateway for educating and engaging the public about the history and practices of native people in the area. Plans include the creation of a museum to showcase the history of the area — both the tribes’ and that of the loggers and ranchers who settled it.
The Pomo Indians started using the land immediately. Meanwhile, Richardson enjoys living out his days on the mile-long stretch of property.
History of the Kashia Pomo and Their Territory
The Kashia People (also known as Kashaya) consider their name to be “People From the Top of the Land.” The name Kashia, given to them by a neighboring Pomo group, means “expert gamblers.” The Kashia is one of seven individual groups of people who speak what linguists have labeled as the Pomoan languages.
Researchers estimate the population of pre-contact Kashia included 1,500 persons living in large villages over the different environmental zones within their territory. Worth noting, the tribes’ nearly 1,000 members people live on Stewarts Point Rancheria located at Skaggs Springs Road in Stewarts Point, Sonoma County.
Kashia Territory
The Kashia occupied lands extending about thirty miles from the Gualala River in the north to Duncan’s Point a few miles south of the Russian River. West to east, the Kashia territory reached from the Pacific coastline over four coastal ranges, down the Warm Springs Creek to the confluence of Dry Creek, some thirty miles inland. The important old village site of Metini situated near the Russian Fort Ross was central to the Kashia territory.
Timeline of Kashia
(see The First People by Otis Parrish for more information)
While the Kashia experienced less acculturation pressure and fewer forced removals to missions and reservations; this timeline shows their lives were none the less disrupted:
- 1812 Kashia sustained their first contact with non-Indians, the Russians, who were more interested in sea otter hunting and establishing a food base in California than in dominating the Kashia or altering their way of life.
- 1817 the Treaty of Hagemeister is signed with the Russians. As a result, the treaty allowed the Russians to build Fort Ross, which quickly became a thriving trade port along the California Coast that brought in natives (and traders) from Hawaii to Alaska. While not a perfect relationship, but it than that of neighboring tribes, who suffered greatly at the hands of the Spanish, Mexicans, and later groups of white settlers.
- 1811-1842 A tri-cultural community established consisting of Russian administrators and workers, Aleut hunters, and the Kashia. As a result, they became forced laborers. Thus, their way of life became altered though not forgotten.
- 1822 California became part of the Mexican Republic. Mexican and American settlers entered the coastal lands in growing numbers. Naturally because of this, great changes occurred in the Kashia way of life.
- 1848 Gold is discovered, bringing with it American settlers causing great changes and tragedy to their lives.
- 1856, the Officials “rounded up” the Pomo and forced to live on the newly established Mendocino Indian Reserve.
Our Personal Connection to the Richardson Ranch

There is no doubt in my mind how joyous an occasion this must have been for the Kashia People, having had the opportunity to dive the land. Well known to abalone divers of Sonoma Coast, the location was long considered one of the best dive spots, one of which we often frequented.
Diving Memories

I recall the many times my husband, Jorge, our friends, and I use to travel up the coast to park outside the Richardson sheep ranch for an early morning’s dive for abalone and spearfishing.
This was in the days of abalone limits of 6 per day in possession.
We would pull up alongside the fence line to suit up for our dive. Dressed in 3/4 inch neoprene wetsuits, with 50 pounds of weights cinched along our waist, and our gear in our arms we’d “hop” the fence, but not before paying our $1.00 parking fee in the mailbox nailed to it.
Our diving experiences here and along the Sonoma Coast soon became the motivation for us to purchase our home on The Sea Ranch, we call Abalone Bay and make available as a vacation rental for others.
A Good Day on the Coast
Weaving our way between the outcropping of rocks, tall meadow grass and sheep keeping the meadows in check, we would channel our inner mountain goat to climb down to the water’s edge. Then with an even heavier load we’d work our way back up the cliffs.
Often we’d celebrate the day’s catch by cooking one fresh on the beach and then return back out to replenish our catch to the limit.
Now it has rightfully returned into the hands of its original owners.
(WATCH the video: Ownership of Tribal Land Restored at the Kashia Coastal Reserve)
How to Celebrate National American Day
We encourage you to join us in celebration of the original peoples of what is now the United States of America on National American Day. It culminates a month of appreciating our nation’s indigenous peoples during November’s National Native American Heritage Month. California Native Americans have been caring for the land of California since time immemorial. Today we rejoice their final receivership of that land and invite you to join us in celebrating all year long.
About the logo
You’ll notice the abalone in the State Parks’ logo, designed to help elevate tribal affairs work, and stress the importance of protecting and respecting culturally important native species. The species depicted in the design – red abalone and white sage – are culturally important to many California Native American people and each species’ population is facing a rapid decline in nature. By highlighting these important species, they hope to create awareness of their ecological and cultural importance to encourage their respectful treatment.
We encourages anyone wishing to learn more about the cultural importance of these species to research and listen to the Native leaders, elders, and cultural practitioners advocating for the protection and respect of these species.
Below are ways you might celebrate too.
1. Experience tribal traditions
Start by experiencing virtually some of the tribal traditions now enjoyed on the Kahsia coastal land.
2. Vist a California State Park
State Parks and the California Natural Resources Agency invite you to celebrate and honor Native American Heritage Month. Virtually or in-person, in the events below.
3. Visit Fort Ross
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Fort Ross is a California State Historic Park showcasing a historic Russian-era fort compound designated a National Historic Landmark. Russians settled on the ancestral Kashia Pomo lands called Metini and the Kashia are still very much a part of the community today. The fort is located 11 miles north of Jenner and 20. 6 miles south of Sea Ranch on scenic California Highway One.
4. Celebrate Native American Artists
Meet Eric Wilder, graphic artist. A member of the Kashia Pomo, grew up at the Kashia Reservation. His tribe recognizes him as an expert in traditional and cultural family practices where he served as Tribal Secretary and two terms as Tribal Chairman. Eric works in the video game industry as an Animator, illustrator, character designer, level designer, story board artist and concept artist.
Glad to see familiar names, with Parrish among them. My Dad, Ben Cummings picked prunes with Essie Parrish, and tried with her to put conditions on the Warm Springs Dam project to preserve willow and sedge plants that were important to basketry. The garden didn’t produce good fiber, and he passed with sorrow that the effort failed. His cousin Will Cummings used to haul tribal members by truck to Dry Creek for harvest work. Dad was acquainted with Bus Richardson and took me there to go abalone diving while I was in college. I am so proud that you have recovered coastal ownership!
Hi Earle- Thanks so much for your comment and reminisces. Sadly though the abalone harvest is currently facing serious problems with the purple urchin eating all the kelp.