Emergency and safety information is provided here. We anticipate your vacation will be trouble-free. However, in case a disaster befalls you or the region, we urge you to read this information.
On This page find emergency information about the various situations that you may encounter while visiting or staying in Sea Ranch. You will find resources for your personal preparedness while visiting Sea Ranch and neighboring communities.
The safety information included here includes important information to help you make your vacation’s personal preparedness plan. We want to make sure you and your family have a safe, healthy and fun vacation at Abalone Bay.
Know before you go
In case of bad weather, fire, or other emergencies we recommend you note the following:
- Look for the red icon (❗️) at the top of the tsra.org home page for up to date information on Emergency Alerts, facility closures and important contacts.
- Report and view PGE outage information at pge.com/outage or call 1-800-743-5000
- Call 911 to report downed power lines, trees, and other emergency situations
- Check road conditions on the Caltrans Quickmap or call 1-800-427-7623
Consider also downloading Caltrans Quickmap app as well

Immediate and Direct Emergency Information/Resources
You are encouraged to use the Sonoma County’s Emergency website for additional information and updates.
Sonoma County has experienced a number of disasters over the past several years including floods, earthquakes, power shutoffs, pandemic, and wildfires. The County’s alert and warning systems have grown to notify residents and visitors of an emergency in their area early and accurately. Many alerts require individuals opt-in, below are links to sign-up and information on additional warning systems.
This information will help you be ready, stay vigilant, and BE prepared for action if required.
SoCoAlert –
Upon signing up for SoCoAlert, select to receive alerts through landline calls, cell phone text messages, or pre-recorded verbal messages and email. The system also works with telephone devices for the deaf.
Learn more about SoCoAlert »
Nixle –
Receive email and text messages from local fire and law enforcement agencies that include public safety messages as well as emergency information.
Text your zip code (The Sea Ranch: 95497) to 888777 to opt-in or sign up online to receive email, text or voice messages with alerts and advisories.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio –
This alert system is available for purchase at a relatively low cost. When properly programmed, the National Weather Service can remotely turn on these radios and send basic alerts, including for wildfire. The message may be accompanied by a warning tone, depending on the model of radio you purchase.
Sonoma County residents may tune their NOAA radio to frequency 162.475.
SoCo Weather Monitor
Sonoma County Monitoring System: An AI alert system built and operated by Sonoma County citizens
Other Sonoma County /Sea Ranch Emergency Weather and Road Resources
- Sonoma County Sheriff’s messages (Nixle) – includes evacuation notice/road closures
- Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information
- Emergency Notifications And Alerts
- Sonoma County Evacuation area map
- Current Road Closures
- Hotline~ LNU Lightning Complex: 707-967-4207
- View real-time wind map
- Sonoma County Power Shutoffs- Map
- AirQuality for Sea Ranch
Medical Emergencies~ Redwood Coast Medical Services (RCMS
Urgent Care available 7 days a week
Weekdays 8 am-6 pm. Weekends & Holidays On Call.
On holidays and weekends there is limited staffing, please call 884-4005 first.
In an emergency always call 911. After hours you will be connected to TEAMHealth Medical Call Center, a 24/7 nurse staffed medical advice line.
Information about Emergency Transport and Air Ambulance
In the light of the fact that the nearest hospital is two hours away, the Coast Life Support District (CLSD) provides paramedic ambulance response and transport. The CLSD ambulance district was founded by special state legislation, approved by a large majority of district voters, and is supported by fees for services and a per-parcel benefit assessment.
Air Ambulance
Air (helicopter) ambulance service is available on the coast from REACH and occasionally from Sonoma County Sheriff’s Henry 1 helicopter. If helicopter evacuation is required it is not possible to choose which service will be used; whichever service is available at the time will be dispatched.
Memberships can be purchased for a small annual fee from both REACH to cover the cost of transport.
Urgent Care Department
The Urgent Care Department at RCMS’ Gualala facility is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. Urgent Care services are also available on an on-call basis from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays – call 707-884-4005.
To learn more about RCMS, its services and its experienced team of medical, dental and behavioral health providers, please go to the RCMS website at www.rcms-healthcare.org or call 707-884-4005. Locations of all three RCMS health centers are included on the website including hours/days that each is open and phone numbers.
Emergency Telephone Contacts
First and most important, Sea Ranch Security is NOT an emergency service provider. The primary role of our Security Officers is to observe and report problems to appropriate agencies and to assist where they can be helpful within their scope of training.
If a fire, medical, or law enforcement problem presents itself, even if it seems minor, only a public safety agency has jurisdiction. Fires (no matter how small), medical emergencies, lost or missing persons, traffic accidents, and suspected crimes in progress should be reported to 9-1-1.
Problem or Service | If you are calling from our Landline, dial: |
If you are calling from your Cell Phone, dial: |
Fire | 911 | 707–565-2121 |
Medical | 911 | 707-565-2121 |
Safety | 911 | 707-565-2121 |
Law enforcement | 911 | 707-565-2121 |
Search and rescue | 911 | 707-565-2121 |
Non-injury vehicle accident (Highway Patrol) | 707–588-1400 | |
Security, vandalism, disturbance, trespass | 707-785-2701 Sea Ranch Security | |
Mountain lion sighting | 785-2701 Sea Ranch Security | |
Sea Ranch Fire Department, non-emergency | 707–785-2648 Sea Ranch Fire Dept. | |
Paramedic/EMT and ambulance, non-emergency | 707-884-1829 Coast Life Support | |
Redwood Coast Medical Services (RCMS), Gualala | 707- 884-4005 | |
Sonoma County Sheriff, non-emergency | 707-565-2511 | |
For that one occasion, for various reasons, when you are not able to reach a 9-1-1 operator on your residence phone, download this document: Who to Call in an Emergency on The Sea Ranch (Pdf)
What is a Red Flag Warning?
A Red Flag Warning is issued for weather events which may result in extreme fire behavior that will occur within 24 hours. A Fire Weather Watch is issued when weather conditions could exist in the next 12-72 hours. A Red Flag Warning is the highest alert. During these times extreme caution is urged by all residents, because a simple spark can cause a major wildfire. A Fire Weather Watch is one level below a warning, but fire danger is still high.
No matter the weather report currently, I strongly suggest you prepare as if we were going to have a PSPS, (Public Safety Power Shutoff) and as if we were going to have a dangerous wind-driven fire. Better to be prepared and safe now rather than very sorry later.
Sea Ranch Abalone Bay’s Safety Precautions
You will find at Abalone Bay the following safety related items:
- Fire Alarm that is frequently tested
- CO2 Alarm – hardwired to the house
- Fire extinguishers and fire mats in the kitchen, garage, and barbecue area plus an extra in the supplies closet
- First aid kits for guests and their pets
Personal Preparedness
In the event of an emergency, we provide information as well as resources for a Shelter in Place. In addition, there are emergency supplies located in the hall closet. Each bedroom has flashlights. Moreover, we maintain an emergency crank battery operated radio. Plus, our welcome book includes safety tips and emergency information.
Below are other tips:
Quick Tips from Our Emergency Team
Steps to Becoming Personally Prepared
What to Do in an Emergency
Click HERE for Quick Tips from Sea Ranch’s Emergency Information Team
For the locations of the 13 AED units on The Sea Ranch with links to websites with more information and brief instructions for operating the units click here. This provides you a pdf of our Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) locations.
General Emergency Information for Potential Hazards
Fire Protection
The Sea Ranch Volunteer Fire Department and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire)
Our rural environment with natural vegetation is vulnerable to wildfires. In order to protect our lives, homes and environment: No Smoking, No Fireworks, No Open Flames. Smoking is prohibited year ‘round on all trails, common areas and restricted common areas of The Sea Ranch. Dry forest and grasslands are an extreme wildfire hazard. Always know your potential evacuation route, and how to get to Highway One, preferably two different ways.
More info at these websites:
Sea Ranch Fire Safe Council http://www.firesafecouncil.org/
Fire Safe Sonoma http://www.firesafesonoma.org/
CalFire http://www.fire.ca.gov/index.php
The Sea Ranch Volunteer Fire Department
Wildfire Procedures when fire approaches the general area:
- Park your vehicle facing out, pack your vehicle according to your checklist and keep keys, cell phone and flashlight easily accessible.
- Secure your pets, prepare them for transport.
- Close all windows, heavy drapes, blinds and shutters if present.
- Remove any sheer window coverings.
- Place a ladder against the house on side away from oncoming fire, this will provide easy access to the roof for firefighters.
- Move any combustible yard furniture into garage or away from home.
- Leave garden hoses (hooked up) and full buckets of water around home.
- Leave electricity ON and turn on porch light and some interior lights.
- Dress in long pants, long sleeved shirt, goggles or glasses, a bandana to cover face and a baseball cap. Wear 100% cotton if possible.
- Use phones (cell and house) only when necessary, circuits can become overwhelmed potentially causing emergency calls not to go through.
Evacuation Preparation – Sonoma County
This short video will help you be prepared to evacuate and includes information about hi-lo sirens, Nixle, and SoCoAlert.
Winter Storms and Power Outages
- Click here for Northern California’s Severe Weather Summary Page
- PG&E provides tips for Storms, Outages and Safety- Click here
- Click here for a pdf of suggestions: Winter Storms and Power Outages
Evacuation Route for Abalone Bay and Neighborhood:
The Sea Ranch is located in the evacuation zone, SON-1A1

During Evacuation:
- Leave a door of your home unlocked.
- If firefighters make a stand at your home they will need to gain access for their own safety in the case of an unexpected fire blow up.
- Drive slowly and safely; turn headlights and flashers on.
- Be aware that emergency vehicles are likely on their way in.
- If you are trapped by fire, park as close to the inside of the road as possible without driving off the road and disabling your vehicle, stay inside your vehicle and keep engine running, close vents, cover yourself with a blanket and get down as low as possible.
- Call 911 and let dispatcher know that you are evacuating from a fire on the Sea Ranch and you have become trapped.
- Give 911 dispatcher as exact of a location as possible-
- You are staying at 36905 Green Cove Drive, The Sea Ranch. Unit 18…Lot 78.
Police Protection
Emergency information about Law enforcement on The Sea Ranch is provided by the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department, and on Highway 1 by the California Highway Patrol.
Wild Animals
Our natural, rural environment is home to many wild creatures. Among the deer, rabbits and foxes, we also have the occasional mountain lion.
Here are tips for staying safe in mountain lion country (PDF).
Sonoma County Earthquake Hazard
Sonoma County is bounded on the west and the east by earthquake faults. As a result emergency information, there are four active or potentially active earthquake faults are identified within the County’s boundaries.
Northern Segment of the San Andreas Fault
The Northern Segment of the San Andreas Fault lies off the west coast of the County, and crosses land at Bodega Bay. Moreover, it goes out to sea and crosses the County again from Fort Ross, past the community of Sea Ranch, exiting the County at its northern border.
Northern Hayward/Rodgers Creek Fault
The Northern Hayward/Rodgers Creek Fault enters Sonoma County at San Pablo Bay and extends northward through the City of Santa Rosa.
Maacama Fault
Third, The Maacama Fault lies to the east of the Healdsburg Fault and continues northward, passing east of the City of Cloverdale.
Hayward/Rogers Creek Fault
Finally, the Hayward/Rogers Creek fault system has the highest likelihood of an M 6.7 or greater earthquake occurring before 2036. The largest earthquake within 30 miles of Sea Ranch, CA was a 4.4 Magnitude in 2014. This website provides a listing of recent earthquakes in the region.
For more detail concerning the history of earthquakes at Sea Ranch, see:
I. Borg, “The San Andreas Fault at The Sea Ranch,” The Sea Ranch Soundings, Fall 1992, no. 34, pp. 6-7.
Also walk the San Andreas Interpretative Trail, just uphill from the Hot Spot. A pamphlet is available at the head of the trail that allows you to locate signs of the last big quake.
[…] Emergency Information […]