By: Donna Martinez
As you may know from our biography, our family resides in Chile (see: About Us). We have often observed that, “Chile es California en espejo” (Chile is the mirror image of California), except that Chile may be a bit more extreme:
- The north of Chile is desert – the driest ever while southern of California has its Death Valley
- They are both long and skinny states. Chile’s just a bit skinnier and longer
- There is the Pacific coast cooled by the Humboldt current
- Each have large mountain ranges. Chile’s just a bit larger with the addition of a handful of volcanoes to keep things interesting
- Each have wonderful wineries. But sorry Napa, Sonoma and Mendocino, I think that Chile is gaining on our California wines in flavor and body.
- Each have earthquakes- and having lived through the 8.8 I think Chile wins there hands down!
Being in Two Places at Once – Chile and Sea Ranch
How I’d love to be in these two places at the same time, try as I may. But there are times I come close.
Today was one of those days.
Today I experienced the memories of Sea Ranch paired with the visual excitement of Chilean Artist, Pablo McClure. His work along with his partner, Soledad Leonicio, is on display at the Gualala Arts Center through June 28.
From the Gualala Arts announcement:

Chilean Fine Art Exhibit-Pablo McClure & Soledad Leonicio
Global Harmony Series presents Chilean Fine Art Exhibit by Chilean Artists-in-Residence
Opening Reception: Friday, June 5 at 5:00 p.m.; Audio/visual presentation by the artists at 6 p.m.;exhibit remains through June 28, 2015
Burnett Gallery & Elaine Jacob Foyer
Adission is free
Pablo McClure and Soledad Leonicio will display their works in this special exhibition of Chilean Fine Art, filling both the Jacob Foyer and Burnett Gallery with their paintings and sculptures. The Global Harmony Artists-in-Residence program will welcome Pablo and Soledad to the Gualala Arts Center for the month of June, and will they will be presenting several special workshops and events in addition to this exhibit.
Chilean Art in Santiago’s Metros
For those of you who may one day visit Chile, you’ll be amazed by their Metro system. One of the most remarkable things about the metro system in Santiago is the display of Chilean Art at many of the stations . There are 11 stations that display the work of modern Chilean Artists.
Sea Ranch Abalone Bay Meets Chilean Artists in Santiago, Chile
Wearing my Sea Ranch 50th Birthday shirt, I visited the Los Héroes Metro Station in Santiago, Chile to take a good look at its art.
So many times I’ve whizzed past while riding the metro, catching only a short glimpse of the Chilean art by the modern masters along the walls. And usually, when I leave the metro, it’s with the intent to arrive at a destination above ground.
An Emboldened Design in the Reflective Rush of Life That Is Chile
Those of you enjoying the art show in Gualala this month you’ll have plenty of peace around you to take in the nuances of the work of our Chilean artist in the serenity of the Gualala Art Center.
But that isn’t the case for the visitor at the metro taking in the art displays. Here, you’ll have the added energy and excitement that is the hustle and bustle of any busy metro system.
Today I took a serious, up close look at Pablo McClure’s mural, Constelación II, gracing Los Héroes station’s walls. This after residing here for nearly six years!
His piece represents the four elements of fire, air, water and land. It was completed in 1994. His technique is oil on canvas and mirrors. The major piece is oil on canvas and is reflected in the mirrors on the platform across from it.
Clear Vision, Clear Seeing
Today I didn’t just glanced at it whizzing passed me. I didn’t look between the heads of strangers in order to get a peak-a-view of form and color.
Today I completely removed myself from the maddening crowd and rush of the day. I stepped back and actually LOOKED AT McClure’s work.
What a treat it was to stop the world, and get off, to see what has been a part of my world for so long, yet unseen.
McClure’s dynamic piece of four panels hung in harmony with the ever moving metro trains coming and going. Waves of people rushed to and fro past passengers on the platform stoically waiting the next train much as our shared Pacific Ocean’s waves wash over the rocky shores. All this movement in slashes of paint, people, and trains reflected across the way, mirrored the ebb and flow of daily Chilean life.
It’s reflection on the mirrors across from the platform provide an even deeper look into the elements that make up our world.
Chilean Art in the Peace that is Mendonoma
I am so very excited for our guests, fans, and friends in the Mendonoma area who will also be able to experience Chilean Art this month. The Gualala Arts’ presentation of Chilean Fine Art Exhibit by Chilean Artists-in-Residence, Pablo McClure and Soledad Leonicio is now open.
Perhaps in Gualala you’ll come to know the quieter side of Chile too.
When you do visit the show post your photos and thoughts below in the comments. I’d love to learn your impressions and opinion of our Chilean art.
Also available for your participation are:
The Art of Chilean Cooking – Kids & Families
June 11, 2015
Chilean Inspired Painting
June 11, 2015
Chilean Inspired Ceramics
June 11, 2015
[…] Why Chilean Art is the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread […]